Az első évad közepe felé Maia és Valen Mar Chiquitába szökik...
Néhány infó a városról:
Mar Chiquita is located in the Argentine provinces of Cordoba and Santiago del Estero, Argentina. It is the end of a closed basin with no outlet, of around 100 km long and 40 km wide. The lake level shows great variations among years, the lake's surface area and salinity change within a very large range, as shown in the table below.
During the 1972-1987 period Mar Chiquita underwent considerable hydrological changes resulting from a 9 m increase in water level. The resulting decrease in salinity shifted the lake's limnology from a hypersaline stage to a mesosaline situation.
Parameter |
1972 |
1987 |
Catchment area (Km2) |
37,570 |
37,570 |
Maximum E-W width (Km) |
76 |
140 |
Maximum N-S length (Km) |
30 |
100 |
Volume (Km3) |
0.15 |
2,390 |
Surface area (Km2) |
100 |
7,000 |
Water level (m above sea level) |
62.4 |
71.4 |
Maximum depth (m) |
1.00 |
9.3 |
Salinity (approx. g/l) |
275 |
29 |
Unfortunately, there is little information available on the effect of such changes on the lake's ecology. A noticeable alteration was the disappearance of the crustacean Artemia sp. as a dominant species in the zooplankton. Furthermore, around 1983 the lake was invaded by the Argentine silverside fish, known locally as "pejerrey" (Basilichthys bonariensis), in coincidence with salinity concentrations under 50 g/l.
Predominant salts in the lake are sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate. |